Thursday, October 9, 2008

Foldie's first trip

I took my folding bike Brompton ("foldie") with me on a trip (involving airplane) for the first time. It was a partial-business trip in Tokyo, where I stayed for three nights, and partial personal trip to Taiwan, where I stayed for about five nights.

I've been to Tokyo before, but never quite paid attention to bicycles until this trip. Since Foldie and I were here together, I took some pictures as I rode around central Tokyo a bit.

There were a lot of bikes similar to this one right outside of the wine shop:

I did see some fixie gear riders, and they were quite brave to zip in and out of traffic in Tokyo. Unfortunately, they were too fast for me to capture them on my camera.

My first stop in Tokyo with Foldie was to Tokyo Tower. I'm using a point-and-shoot camera, but it appeared to work out well enough where the pictures almost appear artsy.

Here's a gratuitous shot of Foldie in front of Tokyo Tower:

One thing I found out later is that it was pretty hard to carry Foldie in the rush hour:

1 comment:

Kate Campbell said...

Looks like a great trip. My son, now at UCLA, is a former SF bike messenger and now teaches bike safety to kids in LA. Good peddling.